Birth of Armadilling

Birth of Armadilling

September 2001 – While swimming along the coast of S. Pietro, a small isle of the bigger Island of Sardinia, I begin to think: “…and what about if, while snorkelling/swimming with fins, mask, snorkel and a light dry suit I will tow behind me a little craft containing all the necessary for camping overnight?”. This is the starting point for creating a new activity called by me “Aquatrekking” consisting in towing a little “backpack” that has the shape of a little boat that contains all the equipment needed for backpacking/camping for one or more days. When on land the small boat can be transformed in a normal backpack attaching a hip belt and shoulder straps to it.

Birth of Armadilling
July 2011 – I’m on a sandy beach south of Piombino, Tuscany, with my family and some friends and, watching to this beautiful beach, I begin to think “…and if I would like to hike along this endless beaches carrying with me all the necessary for staying out one or more nights during the low season?”. Immediately I begin to design in my mind a six-wheeled cart able to transport my tent, sleeping bag, stoves, etc. without worrying about sinking at each step in the soft sand ’cause of a heavy backpack. In September the cart is ready and I test it starting form the south most beach of Tuscany walking north-wards: the first “Armadillo” is born!

August 2013 – Making a small trek on the Swiss Alps (as you see vacations are very stimulating for my ill fantasy!) I arrive at a final conclusion: “…I need something that is at the same time a man hauled cart, a small boat, a “pulka” sled, a bike trailer and a backpack. After some months spent in designing the Armadillo EVS (Ex Voto Suscepto) I begin to build the first prototype and finally beta-testing it starting on from the June 2014. The new activity is called “Armadilling” and the idea behind is the exploration, during the same macro- or microadventure, of different environments, doing different sports and using the Armadillo for different applications.


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